Abbreviations Glossary
This glossary includes abbreviations used in the context of RF over fiber technology, market sectors and ViaLite products. Use the search function to find specific terms, or the arrows to view more rows.
Abbreviation | Source |
A | Ampere |
AGC | Automatic gain control |
APC | Angled Polished Connector |
BER | Bit error rate |
BOM | Bill of materials |
BTS | Base transceiver station |
BUC | Block up converter |
BW | Bandwidth |
C/I | Carrier to interferer |
CATV | Community access television |
CNR | Carrier to noise ratio |
COM | Common |
CWDM | Coarse wavelength-division multiplexing |
DAS | Distributed antenna system |
dB | Decibel |
dBc | Decibel relative to carrier |
dBm | Decibel milliwatt |
DC | Direct current |
DCF | Dispersion compensation fiber |
DCM | Dispersion compensation module |
De-mux | De-multiplex |
DFB | Distributed feedback laser |
DHCP | Dynamic host configuration protocol |
DIP | Dual in line package |
DR | Dynamic range |
DVB | Digital video broadcasting |
DVB-T | Digital video broadcasting - terrestrial |
DWDM | Dense wavelength-division multiplexing |
EDFA | Erbium-doped fiber amplifier |
ELINT | Electronics intelligence |
EMC | Electromagnetic compatibility |
FC/APC | Fiber connector, angled polished contact |
FC/PC | Fiber connector, physical contact |
FOIL | Fiber optic inter-facility link |
FOL | Fiber optic link |
FSK | Frequency shift keying |
FTP | File transfer protocol |
g | Gram |
GbE | Gigabit Ethernet |
GHz | Gigahertz |
GNSS | Global navigation satellite system |
GPS | Global positioning system |
GRN | Goods return number |
GSM-R | Global system for mobile communications – railway |
GUI | Graphical user interface |
HP | Chassis hole pitch width, 5.08 mm |
HRC-1 | Legacy SNMP chassis card |
HRC-3 | New Horizons SNMP chassis card |
HRK3 | ViaLiteHD 3U chassis |
HSR | High sensitivity receiver |
HTML | Hypertext mark-up language |
HTS | High throughput satellite |
HWDR | Hyper wide dynamic range |
Hz | Hertz |
I2C | Inter-Integrated circuit |
IABM | International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IF | Intermediary frequency |
IFB | Interruptible foldback |
IMD | Intermodulation distortion ratio |
IMR | Intermodulation ratio |
IP | Internet protocol |
IP3 | Third order intercept point |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
Kg | Kilogram |
kHz | Kilohertz |
LAN | Local area network |
LASER | Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation |
LC/PC | Lucent connector, physical contact |
LED | Light emitting diode |
LEO | Low earth orbit |
LNA | Low noise amplifier |
LNB | Low noise block |
LTE | Long term evolution |
m | Meter |
M&C | Monitoring and control |
mA | Milliampere |
Max | Maximum |
MCR | Master control room |
MCX | Micro coaxial connector |
MDS | Minimum detectable signal |
MEO | Medium earth orbit |
MHz | Megahertz |
MIB | Management information base |
MiFID | Markets in Financial Instruments Directive |
Mil-Aero | Military aerospace |
Min | Minimum |
mm | Millimeter |
Mux | Multiplex |
mV | Millivolt |
NC | Normally closed |
NF | Noise figure |
Nm | Nanometer |
NMS | Network management system |
NO | Normally open |
NOC | Network operations center |
Nom | Nominal |
NTP | Network time protocol |
NVIOT | Network vendor interoperability testing |
OB | Outdoor broadcast |
ODE | Outdoor enclosure |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturer |
OFDM | Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing |
P1dB | Power at one decibel gain compression |
PC | Personal computer |
PMR | Professional mobile radio |
PPM | Pulse Power and Measurement Ltd |
PPS | Pulse per second |
PSU | Power supply unit |
PWR | Power |
QAM | Quadrature amplitude modulation |
RAN | Radio access network |
RF | Radio frequency |
RFoF | RF over fiber |
RIN | Relative Intensity Noise |
RLL | Received light level |
RMA | Return merchandise authorization |
RST | Reset |
RU | (or U) Measurement for 19” rack, height 44.45mm |
Rx | Receiver |
Satcom | Satellite communications |
SC/APC | Subscriber connector, angled polished contact |
SC/PC | Subscriber connector, physical contact |
SCIF | Sensitive compartmented information facility |
SFDR | Spurious free dynamic range |
SIGINT | Signals intelligence |
SINAD | Signal to noise and distortion ratio |
SMA | Subminiature version A connector |
SMF | Single mode optical fiber |
SMPTE | Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers |
SNMP | Simple network management protocol |
SNR | Signal to noise ratio |
SOTM | Satcom on the Move |
SSH | Secure socket shell |
TCP | Transmission control protocol |
TETRA | Terrestrial trunked radio |
TRx | Transceiver |
TT&C | Telemetry, tracking and command |
TTL | Transistor–transistor logic |
TVRO | Television receive-only |
Tx | Transmitter |
Typ | Typical |
U | (or RU) Measurement for 19” rack, height 44.45mm |
UAV | Unmanned aerial vehicle |
UHF | Ultra high frequency |
UTC | Coordinated universal time |
V | Voltage |
VDC | Voltage Direct Current |
VHF | Very high frequency |
vHTS | Very high throughput satellite |
ViaLiteHD | ViaLite High Density |
VRTV | Virtual reality TV |
VSAT | Very-small-aperture terminal |
VSEL | Voltage select |
VSWR | Voltage standing wave ratio |
W | Watt |
WDM | Wavelength-division multiplexing |
WTA | World Teleport Association |