ViaLite Adapts to Support Equipment Installations during Pandemic
Further to country-wide lockdowns and worldwide travel restrictions imposed in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, ViaLite has had to find new ways to provide the same high level of support to its customers.
Particularly for more complex RF over fiber system installations, often a ViaLite customer support engineer would travel out to work with the customer on-site, sometimes with the additional assistance of a local ViaLite distributor or system integrator. With this option being heavily restricted, ViaLite’s customer support engineers, sales team and technical engineers have instead supported installations remotely using web-based video conferencing tools, remote desktop tools and messaging platforms. The team also created customer-specific installation videos, covering all aspects of the setups for their customers, from the simple aspects of how connections are made, through to the final link optimization processes.
Further assistance came from ViaLite‘s Horizons software which provides SNMP monitoring and control of RF over fiber chassis based and outdoor systems. Horizons is able to record all parameter setting, measured levels and active alarms, and present this information in concise management event reports which can be sent back to the ViaLite’s customer support for review.
Amair Khan of ViaLite commented: “Working with our system integrators and distribution channel partners around the world, we are able to continue to provide accurate and high performing RF over fiber links for teleport and broadcast operators.”
Contact us to find out how we can support you.